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Fox Valley Deals has many benefits. We:
  • Attract new customers
  • Connect your business with over 60,000 greater Fox Valley, IL consumers
  • Retain customers and build loyalty using digital marketing strategies (email and image mobile marketing)
  • Save you time and money
  • Increase revenue
  • Provide flexibility
  • Track results

We've said it. Fox Valley Values & Deals the only ones that can do it. Best of all, there is no up-front cost to your business for Fox Valley Deals, if you qualify. We'll work with you to provide the best offering that will attract the best customers! Fox Valley Deals provides an innovative pay-for-performance program.

Our proven system will not only grow your business immediately, but it will set you up for success long-term. We'll provide the tools and the training necessary to not only accept those new and loyal customers, but to retain their business in the future. Fox Valley Values & Deals is the only company that can provide these tools and metrics to your business. As you know, a new customer isn't really a customer if they only come once. We'll even show you how you can easily apply these techniques to your current customer base so you can increase profits and spend less with your future advertising.

We'll work with you to come up with offerings that will motivate new customers to visit your business. We'll send that offering out via email, Facebook and other social networks. When your soon to be new customers get notification of your offer, they'll choose to buy that offer and try you out.

For more information on how you can grow your business by working with Fox Valley Deals, please email support@aws.foxvalleyildeals.com, call or fill out this form.